Male Victims of Domestic Abuse

If someone is in immediate danger and their life is threatened, they should dial the Police on 999; if you are unable to talk, once connected to 999 press 55 and the police will attend. If it is not an emergency but you need help from the police, please call 101. For non-emergencies you can also report a crime online

There are both similarities and differences for men and women who are experiencing domestic abuse. Being abused by somebody you love and trust can be confusing and bewildering, and any victim whether male or female may wonder if it’s their fault.  

Admitting to being abused is difficult for anybody, but men often don’t have the social and support networks in place to easily tell a friend or family member. These topics are difficult for anybody to raise or disclose, but in particular, men may not have friendships and relationships in which they can open up and talk about their personal lives. 

Domestic abuse can occur between intimate partners, ex-partners, family members or individuals who share parental responsibility of a child. There is no requirement for the victims and perpetrator to live in the same household for behaviour to be considered abusive.  

Services available for male victims in Coventry 

Safe To Talk Helpline

If you are a male victim of domestic abuse you can call the Safe To Talk Helpline: 0800 111 4998 

8.30am - 5.30pm Monday - Friday 
10am - 1pm Saturday - Sunday 

In an emergency call 999, if you cannot speak then press 55 when prompted. If it is not an emergency but you need help from the police, please call 101. For non-emergencies you can also report a crime online

Valley House 

Valley House offers Supported Accommodation to male and female victims aged from 16 years, who are victims of domestic abuse.  This also includes their families (children and young people).

All properties are fully furnished. We provide accommodation for families with older male children and have accommodations which are adapted for disabilities. Valley House is also able to take in family pets in some of the properties.

The support offered consists of:

  • Risk assessments and safety planning
  • 1 to 1 case work and structured group work
  • Court support for service users involved in criminal justice and civil proceedings
  • Family support work with children
  • Signposting and advocacy
  • Counselling
  • Ongoing emotional and practical support
  • Service user wellbeing one to one sessions and group work
  • MARAC Referral & IDVA support

Service user can also have up to 3 months support within the community when they have moved into their own accommodation.

Referrals into the Domestic Abuse service will be taken 24 hours a day. Referrals can either be taken from professionals or self-referrals either by phone or by attending our office: 024 7626 6280

Valley House - Domestic Abuse Accommodation Service - Coventry