Health services

Services for the Deaf

The Deaf Health Charity  - Signhealth

Accident and Emergency Department

Clifford Bridge Road

Telephone: 024 7696 4000

A 24-hour, seven day a week comprehensive emergency service A&E is there if you require immediate hospital attention due to a serious illness or injury.

Walk-in Centre

Drop in 8am – 10pm 365 days a year.
Telephone: 024 7624 6789

Offers a GP and nurse service, with emphasis on minor illness and minor injuries, you do not need to have an appointment to be seen and you do not need to be registered with a GP, either in Coventry or elsewhere, to use this service. The Walk in Centre is based at Stoney Stanton Road on the old Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital site.


Your local GP surgery provides a range of services, including general medical advice and treatment for illnesses or injuries that do not require emergency treatment.

NHS 111

Telephone: 111

Visit: NHS 111

For health advice and reassurance 24 hours a day 365 days a year

Health Visiting

Health visitors support families with young children. In Coventry health visitors have all attended domestic violence and abuse training and routinely ask all women (if safe to do so) if they are affected by domestic violence and abuse. The Health Visiting Team can offer advice and support, including signposting to specialist domestic violence and abuse support agencies.

School Nursing

This service is offered to all school aged children 4-16 years to offer help/advice to young people, parents, carers, education staff, social workers etc regarding any health related concern. This includes children or young people’s emotional health and well being. School nurses have received training on the impact of domestic violence and abuse on children and young people, and can offer advice and support, including signposting to specialist domestic violence and abuse agencies, to young people and their carers.

Cash (Contraception & Sexual Health) Services:

Cash offers free & confidential contraception and sexual health advice and provision, including condom distribution, pregnancy testing, all methods of contraception including emergency contraception, Chlamydia screening (Under 25’s only).

For advice or to book an appointment call 0300 020 0027

Mental Health Services

Mental health problems can be experienced by anyone. Around one in four people will experience some sort of mental health problem at some point in their lives.

In an emergency

Contact your family doctor or General Practitioner (GP). Your GP will be able to provide the necessary treatment you may need or help you access the emergency services the Trust provides. When your GP surgery is closed an answer ‘phone will provide you with an emergency doctor’s number. If uncertain which GP surgery to contact, for a relative, a friend or even for yourself, further information can be found by contacting NHS 111, open 24 hours a day and seven days in a week. Some GP surgeries are part of the IRIS network (referral system for identifying the referring victims for support or referring perpetrators)

If you know your GP but you are NOT using one of our services:

If you have never used our services before, it is advisable to contact your GP directly. Your GP could either put you on medication, provide you with trained counsellors, or may even refer you to one of our specialist services.

If you do not have a GP and you are NOT using one of our services you can still get help by contacting:

Carers, families and friends

A carer is anyone who provides regular and extensive unpaid care to a partner, relative or friend. Caring for someone can be extremely rewarding but at the same time difficult. If you are caring for someone and it is taking a toll on you there are various support systems available for you as well.