What should I do if someone discloses abuse?
In Coventry, tackling abuse is everyone's business and our aspiration is that all staff have training to at least a basic level so they can recognise domestic/sexual abuse and know what to do if someone makes a disclosure. If you haven't had time to do the training yet here are some simple guidelines to follow:
The following advice applied to both adults and children who make disclosures: For School Staff Barnardo's [https://www.barnardos.org.uk/what-we-do/services/beacon-service] have a very helpful website on sexually harmful behaviours with links to the service they provide. Remember, that if someone is in immediate danger you should contact the police for advice.
- Listen carefully (that means not talking except to indicate that you have head and understood the information being given)
- Prioritise the victim’s safety and the children’s safety
- Find out what the victim wants and let them choose what they need from you
- Find out if the victim would prefer to talk to someone else (e.g. someone of the same sex, someone from the same cultural background)
- Provide information about options and don’t make choices for the victim
- Focus on facts, keep opinions to yourself
- Believe the victim and reassure them that it is not their fault
- Be clear about confidentiality
- Be patient and respectful
- Keep clear records and don’t disclose any information that may put the victim at risk
- Believe what the victim is telling you and be clear about what will happen next
- Tell them about the specialist support services that are available and how to access them if they want to
- Follow safeguarding procedures where vulnerable adults or children are involved [http://www.proceduresonline.com/covandwarksscb/]
- If in doubt - ask your line manger. If there is no-one available i your organisation you could contact Haven (domestic abuse) or CRASAC (sexual abuse) for advice.
- Panic
- Assume that if there is no violence, that it is not serious
- Talk too much
- Tell the victim what to do
- Guess at the information
- Expect too much
- Offer more than you can deliver (or make promises you can't keep)
- Act as a mediator or contact point with the perpetrator
- Make judgements
- Do nothing - trust your gut instinct
Services in Coventry
Domestic abuse services [https://www.safetotalk.org.uk/downloads/download/2/outline-of-services]
Safeguarding adults
Visit: Safeguarding Adults Website [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/233/coventry_safeguarding_adults_board/2414/coventry_safeguarding_adults_board]
Email: CoventrySAB@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:CoventrySAB%40coventry.gov.uk]
Telephone: 024 7683 2568
Safeguarding children
Visit: Safeguarding Children Website [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/lscb]
Email: coventryLSCB@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:coventryLSCB%40coventry.gov.uk]
Telephone: 024 7683 2568
For advice on sexually harmful behaviours visit the Barnardo's Website [https://www.barnardos.org.uk/what-we-do/services/beacon-service]
Referral for sexual violence
Visit: CRASAC website [http://www.crasac.org.uk/make-a-referral.html]
Mental health and suicide prevention
The Dear Life website has been developed to help people in Coventry and Warwickshire find mental health and suicide prevention information and advice for themselves or someone they are worried about
Visit: https://www.dearlife.org.uk/
Key documents
The Coventry Domestic Abuse Strategy [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/27376/domestic_abuse_strategy_2018-2023]
Access free training for professionals in Coventry
Domestic Abuse Training [https://www.safetotalk.org.uk/downloads/download/3/domestic-abuse-training]
Also available e-learning
This session is an awareness raising module suitable for anybody working in Coventry designed to provide introductory level of knowledge and understanding about domestic abuse. To gain access to this e-learning please email, highlighting your name, role and place of work -PHDAtraining@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:PHDAtraining@coventry.gov.uk]
Advice for those leaving for a refuge
If you need to leave home quickly and enter a refuge, getting back on your feet is much easier if you can take certain things with you:
- Cash or access to money.
- Child benefit / other benefit books – these will also have your National Insurance number that you will need to make a claim for other benefits.
- Pasaport, Visas, Work Permits – Make sure you take your children’s passports if they have separate ones.
- Other legal and financial papers– for example Medical, Marriage and Birth Certificates, rent books, mortgage details.
- Keys – Have an extra set made of house, car ans office
- Emergency addresses and contact numbers – It may be better to leave your mobile behind as abusers will often use this as a way of tracking you down. Keep copies of important telephone numbers with you e.g. School, GP, Domestic Violence and Abuse agencies.
- Clothes – take the essential items and extra clothes for the children. Don’t forget to take clothes for yourself.
- Children's toys – Sometimes it is difficult to carry much but, your children may be confused and upset by what is happening and a special toy or comforter can help settle them.
- Personal items – Photographs, diary, jewellery, small items of sentimental value.
You may need to leave some of these items at a family or friend’s house so that you can escape quickly if you need to.
In an emergency, it is always better to leave something or everything behind and put your and your children’s safety first.
Jargon buster - Commonly used terms amongst professionals and what they mean
- ChISVA - Children's Independent Sexual Violence Advisor
- DARO - Domestic Abuse Risk Officer (Police)
- DASH - Domestic Abuse, Stalking & Honour based violence risk assessment
- DVPN - Domestic Violence Protection Notice
- DVPO - Domestic Violence Protection Order
- DVRIM - Domestic Violence Risk Identification Matrix
- IDVA - Independent Domestic Violence Advisor
- ISVA - Independent Sexual Violence Advisor
- MASH - Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
- MAPPA - Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
- MARAC - Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference
Employers' toolkit
The harm resulting from domestic abuse can have a lasting impact of families and victims and preventative action to reduce the number of incidents remains a priority for both local agencies and Government departments.
Employers have a duty of care and a legal responsibility to provide a safe and effective work environment. Preventing and tackling domestic abuse is an integral part of this. This toolkit [https://www.bitc.org.uk/toolkit/domestic-abuse-toolkit/] will help your organisation to support your employees and contribute to tackling domestic abuse.